Peace Talks

Two Rivers Aikido explores the evolutionary nature of the martial wisdom practice of aikido through the rigorous study of form and shape. Our dear friend Kevin Choate once said, the technique is the portal to develop the art. Sincere and dedicated practice carries within it the capacity to enliven us to the recognition that: We are the art. Our humanity is the art we develop; basic goodness, personal accountability, and perhaps a unified way of seeing into the world of separation.

Since 2000 Two Rivers Aikido has been on the evolutionary edge offering Aiki informed, practice based programs to support individuals, teams, and organizations. The following is a partial listing of programs and workshops provided throughout the years.


Embodied Conversation

A robust and joyful workshop series geared toward increasing capacities of skillful communication, authenticity, and expanded practical wisdom. The series is informed by The Embodiment of Peace Matrix© and is participatory in nature.

The Embodied Conversation has been of service to individuals, businesses, non profit organizations, schools, law enforcement ,and department of health and human services.

This program is offered once a year or by request.


The Embodiment of Peace Matrix©

Developed in 2000 for clinical application with at-risk / at-promise youth and families associated with Department of Corrections and Department of Family Services; The Embodiment of Peace Matrix© is a model, template, or primer of psycho/social/spiritual development practiced from a somatic transpersonal perspective. From its roots in Somatic and transpersonal psychology and the martial heart practice of Aikido it is a unique approach to the navigation and reconciliation of conflict and a guide toward healing relationships damaged through trauma and addiction.

The training curriculum combines somatics, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral modalities integrated with action oriented and contemplative practices.

This program is offered by request.


Integrative Family Program

The Integrative Family Program© is a full bodied Aiki informed, principle based, clinical program dedicated to fostering wellness, wholeness, and belonging in marginalized youth and families. The Embodiment of Peace Matrix©, a matrix of peacemaking and reconciliation based in the martial wisdom practice of Aikido, forms the platform of the program and bringing families and youth together on the mat weekly.

For well over a decade families and youth participated in this intensive six month program structured within the ethos of a particular necessity: Making available clinically sound integrative therapeutic modalities for those living on the edges inside of our local community.

After 16 years of implementation, Mark and Leigh are currently not offering direct services to this program. They now provide training and consultation to local, national, and international organizations as well as provide training and certification in The Embodiment of Peace Matrix©.


Aikido in Recovery

Exploring peacemaking and the discovery of personal dignity in the midst of a complicated life as a result of addictions is the platform of this Aiki informed practice based program.

Aikido in recovery is in collaboration with outpatient addictions counselors and by invitation only.


Journey Toward Center

A full-bodied six-month program for those interested in the study and exploration of the ancient and contemporary roadmaps of human and ecological wholeness and healing. Grounded in the Incarnational Mystical tradition together with the martial heart practice and principles of Aikido, we dive into contemplative and movement practices in service of expanding our inner reservoir of resilience and widen our capacity to respond to life with presence, compassion, and practical wisdom.

This program is not currently offered. 


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A deep bow of appreciation to the hundreds of people we have been privileged to serve through our Aiki informed and practice-based programs and workshops. Thank you to: Department of Public Health and Human Services, Child Protective Services, Flathead County Youth Court Services, Center for Restorative Youth Justice, Flathead Youth Home, Reclaiming Youth International, NADACC, Linderman Education Center, Dickerson Counseling, and all the individuals who have dedicated themselves to the Art of creating a beautiful life for the sake of self, others, and the planet.


What people are saying:

“There is a power, an embodiment that takes place and extends beyond the dojo. Mark and Leigh hold such a place for the populations they work with – and in that space and the integrity that surrounds it – there is an opportunity for other agencies and families to step forward and envision counseling and therapy in a new way. Their work shifts conventional ways of thinking and offers a new level of being in the world.” -Shareen Springer, Executive Director, Center for Restorative Youth Justice


"I believe the Integrated Family Program© offers the right pieces, in the right manner to the kids and families they are serving. I am excited to see the interdisciplinary approach with these families. The unique aspect of this program is their integration of the art of Aikido and family therapy. In this process, West really does meet East." Dr. Jamie C. Chambers, Licensed Psychologist Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist


"The Integrative Family Program© developed by Two Rivers Consulting is an excellent program like no other in giving treatment resistant families the tools to heal and move forward. Two Rivers Consulting welcomes families into their program and within months helped them learn to deal with, and begin to heal from the trauma and broken bonds the parents grew up with, then carried into their own families." - Pat Sylvia, CFS Field Supervisor, DPHHS


"Two Rivers has graciously donated their time, talents, and expertise in working with the students in our alternative high school. The lessons our students have learned through Aikido based principles and practices at the dojo with Two Rivers have been invaluable in guiding them through their personal challenges and obstacles to ensure overall success in their lives." - Jodie Barber, Director Linderman Education Center